Moms, Here’s What to Include in Your Postpartum Plan to Support Your Breastfeeding Journey

The arrival of your little one is a big celebration, that it entails a long and careful preparation: you make time for birthing classes, set aside time for research, put together your hospital bag, and come up with a comprehensive birth plan.

But this is not where your preparation should end. Prepare for your journey ahead with a postpartum plan that includes these self-care tips to support your breastfeeding journey:

Moms, Here's What to Include in Your Postpartum Plan to Support Your Breastfeeding Journey

Prioritize sleep.
During your recovery, you will need to plan activities around sleeping and breastfeeding schedules, not the other way around. Breastfeeding on demand will tire you out even if you’re mostly in bed, so take as much rest time as you can.

Sleep when your baby’s asleep or ask for someone’s help when you need extra time to rest when your baby’s awake.

What you’ll need: sleep tracker

Plot a general household schedule.
Here’s the picture: your household needs to run, but you will not be able to perform your usual tasks in the meantime. So before giving birth, plan what you can by pinpointing who will take your place to attend to specific chores such as cleaning the home, doing the grocery, and paying the bills, and when or how often they will need to do it.

This way, you eliminate unnecessary mental load that can stress you out during breastfeeding.

What you’ll need: contact details of your family members and their availability, standard grocery list, due dates of utilities

Get a regular postpartum exercise.
It may be hard to move a few days following your delivery, but your recovery will also require you to move little by little. Besides, breastfeeding can take a toll on your body when you’re stuck in one breastfeeding position in a long time, so you’ll need to stretch, too!

It pays to know beforehand what postpartum exercises are safe for you to take. A physical activity can also boost your happiness and creativity so better go for it to drive away those postpartum blues!

What you’ll need: comfortable clothes for exercise

Plan nutritious meals.
You’ll need a lot of liquid and your dose of malunggay to support breastmilk production. Make sure your postpartum plans include a menu your husband or family members can prepare for you – because thinking about what to eat right before the meal itself can get stressful! This small quirk can take up mental space, so better make that list before your delivery day.

While you’re at it, you may also list down online stores where you can order breastfeeding or lactation goodies.

What you’ll need: Breastfeeding-friendly menu and their recipes, list of online stores

See a lactation consultant.
There will be no more monthly or biweekly check-ups with your OB-Gyne after giving birth, but you might be needing extra support on your breastfeeding journey. You may ask your OB-Gyne before giving birth for recommendations on lactation consultants. This way, you will not have to worry so much about what to do when you encounter a bump in the road on your breastfeeding journey.

What you’ll need: List of lactation consultants and their contact numbers

Your life as a breastfeeding mom can be overwhelming – but trust that it can also be one of the best parts in your journey as a new mom! See the good in everyday by listing down in a physical or digital journal things you’re grateful for, and watch yourself brim with joy despite long days and longer nights.

What you’ll need: your phone’s app or your journal, and a set time everyday to write a short list

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